Paycheck Protection Program Loans: Additional Regulatory Guidance

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Updated 5/6/2019:

Disclaimer: What follows next is general information and not legal or accounting advice. We are not your attorney or CPA and every situation is different. You should call your attorney or CPA for specific advice with regards to the topics of this presentation. If you are not receiving the guidance you need, we can entertain bringing you on as a paying client. 

Since our last update on April 15, 2020, we have received additional guidance from the Treasury Department & SBA in regards to PPP loans and state governments across the country are outlining phased opening of the economy.

Today we are going to cover:

A. Paycheck Protection Program Loans: Additional Regulatory Guidance
B. Paycheck Protection Program Loans: Forgivable Loan Calculations
C. Unemployment Benefits for Owners and Self-Employed: Dealing
with Application Headaches
D. Getting Back in Business: Covid 19 Safety Protocols & Overcoming
Patient’s Safety Concerns

Source Document Links & Additional Information:

Link to Prezi presentation:

Kevin manages marketing, business development, and customer success for Dental Accounting Professionals LLC & Benton Bray PLLC. He is highly analytical, creative, and forward thinking in his approach to working with clients. His background is in commercial real estate with a focus in dental office leasing and investment sales. Kevin’s passionate about investing for the future and implementing new technologies to streamline outdated workflow processes to increase bottom line results.  

Follow Kevin J. Bray on LinkedIn

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